Panagiotis M. Vourlides
He holds a Certificate in Commercial Operation of Shipping from the London Guildhall Univercity, a Diploma in Marine Insurance from the London Guildhall Univercity and a Bachelors Degree from London Guildhall Univercity in International Trade and Transport.
Working experience
He joint Minimar’s Broking department in 1998 and he is involved in the Administration Department along with Mrs Chrysoula Kastelloriziou. His duty is the issuance of Closing Bordereaux to underwriters, Confirmation of Covers to Owners, Letters of Undertakings, Guarantees, COFR’s, ICB etc. In addition he is responsible for keeping the inter-office computer programme (IMIS) updated with all the changes concerning the particulars of the vessels covered. Also he is responsible for the in-house policies system, concerning Hull & Machinery, Increased Value, Loss of Hire, Mortgagees Interest Insurance, Purchasers Interest Insurance, Sellers Interest Insurance, Delay Delivery Insurance and Cargo Insurance. Finally, along with Mrs Dimitra Mokou, he is the internal auditor of the company’s ISO certification.